Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Ramsy Healthcare is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040

At Ramsy Health Care Ltd, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional community and domiciliary care support services to our clients. Our highly trained workforce is committed to providing compassionate care that upholds the dignity of our service users while promoting their independence and freedom of choice. We are fully registered with

Care Quality Commission (CQC). Our commitment to compassionate care extends beyond the well-being of our clients; it includes the well-being of our planet. We recognize the urgent need to address climate change and reduce our carbon footprint.

As part of our corporate responsibility, Ramsy Health Care is taking proactive steps to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. We have developed a comprehensive carbon reduction plan that encompasses all aspects of our operations, from energy efficiency improvements in our facilities to sustainable transportation solutions for our workforce.

Our goals are clear and measurable. We are working diligently to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by [insert specific percentage or amount] by [insert target year], compared to our baseline emissions.

We understand that reducing our carbon emissions is not only essential for the environment but also reflects our commitment to delivering high-quality care to our clients. By embracing sustainability, we aim to create a healthier, greener future for both our clients and our planet.

Ramsy Health Care Ltd is proud to be a responsible corporate citizen, and we will continue to monitor and report on our progress toward carbon reduction. Together, we can make a significant impact in the fight against climate change while delivering exceptional care to those who rely on our services.

Baseline Year: 2022
Baseline year emissions:
Scope 1Scope 1 – Direct Emissions  tCO2e Stationary Combustion (Boiler, Generator) 0.0000 Mobile Combustion (Company Fleet) 0.0000 Process Emissions (On-Site Manufacturing) 0.0000 Fugitive Emissions (F-Gasses) 0.0000  Scope 1 Total 0.0000
Scope 2Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions  tCO2e Electricity (Head office & Branches) 0.0000 Gas (Heating type) 0.0000 Water 0.0000  Scope 2 Total 0.0000
Scope 3 (Included Sources)Scope 3  tCO2e Waste Generated in Operations 3.1281 Upstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 Downstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 Business Travel 0.0000 Commuting (round trip to location) 0.0000 Work From Home 0.0000 Scope 3 Total 0.0000
Total EmissionsXX
Current Emissions Reporting
Current Year: 2022
Current year emissions:
Scope 1Scope 1 – Direct Emissions  tCO2e Stationary Combustion (Boiler, Generator) 0.0000 Mobile Combustion (Company Fleet) 0.0000 Process Emissions (On-Site Manufacturing) 0.0000 Fugitive Emissions (F-Gasses) 0.0000  Scope 1 Total 0.0000  
Scope 2Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions  tCO2e Electricity (Head office & Branches) 0.0000 Gas (Heating type) 0.0000 Water 0.0000  Scope 2 Total 0.0000 
Scope 3 (Included Sources)Scope 3  tCO2e Waste Generated in Operations 3.1281 Upstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 Downstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 Business Travel 0.0000 Commuting (round trip to location) 0.0000 Work From Home 0.0000 Scope 3 Total 0.0000 
Total EmissionsXX 
Reporting Year: 2022

Emissions reduction targets
Ramsy Health Care Ltd, a company focused on community and domiciliary care support services. This plan is a specific framework, and specific targets are tailored based on our emissions data, resources, and industry benchmarks.
Step 1: Assess Current Emissions
Ramsy Health Care Ltd will start by assessing its current carbon emissions. This includes identifying sources of emissions, such as:

  1. Energy Consumption: Calculate emissions from electricity, heating, cooling, and other energy sources used in our facilities.
  2. Transportation: Measure emissions from company vehicles, staff commuting, and any other transportation-related activities.
  3. Supply Chain: Assess emissions related to the procurement of supplies, equipment, and any outsourced services.
  4. Waste Management: Evaluate emissions from waste disposal and recycling processes.
  5. Water Usage: Consider the carbon footprint associated with water usage, especially if it involves energy-intensive processes.
    Step 2: Set Emission Reduction Targets
    Based on the emissions assessment, Ramsy Health Care Ltd will establish emission reduction targets. These targets are aligned with the organization’s mission and values, as well as industry benchmarks. Here are some potential targets:
  6. Absolute Emission Reduction: Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by a specific percentage (e.g., 20%) by a target year 2025, compared to a baseline year.
  7. Intensity Reduction: Decrease emissions per unit of service provided (e.g., per patient cared for) to improve efficiency.
  8. Renewable Energy Transition: Transition to a certain percentage of renewable energy sources for our facilities by 2040 to reduce Scope 2 emissions.
  9. Supply Chain Sustainability: Collaborate with suppliers to reduce the carbon footprint of the supply chain by using sustainable and low-carbon materials and services.
    Step 3: Implement Reduction Strategies
    To achieve these targets, Ramsy Health Care Ltd will implement a range of strategies, such as:
  10. Energy Efficiency: Upgrade facilities with energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems. We will work with the landlord by advising and encourage our staff to minimize energy consumption.
  11. Transportation Optimization: Promote carpooling, remote work options, and the use of public transportation for staff commuting. Invest in a more efficient company vehicle fleet in the near future.
  12. Renewable Energy: Invest in on-site renewable energy generation, like solar panels or wind turbines, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  13. Waste Reduction: Implement waste reduction and recycling programs to minimize waste sent to landfills.
  14. Employee Engagement: Educate and engage employees in sustainability practices to foster a culture of environmental responsibility.

Step 4: Monitor, Report, and Improve
Regularly monitor and report progress toward achieving emission reduction targets. Adjust strategies as needed to ensure that the organization is on track. Consider third-party verification of emissions data to enhance credibility.
Remember that carbon reduction is an ongoing process. Ramsy Health Care Ltd should continuously seek opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint while delivering exceptional care services to its clients.

In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years to XX tCO2e by 20XX. This is a reduction of XX%

Carbon Reduction Projects
Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented since the 20XX baseline. The carbon emission reduction achieved by these schemes equate to XX tCO2e, a XX%ge reduction against the 20XX baseline and the measures will be in effect when performing the contract.
Incorporating ISO 14001 or PAS 2060 will be a valuable step for Ramsy Health Care Ltd in our sustainability and carbon reduction efforts. These standards will provide frameworks for environmental management and carbon neutrality certification, respectively.

  1. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS):
    ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard for establishing and maintaining an effective Environmental Management System. Ramsy management is seeking to get certified for ISO 14001 in the coming years. The plan is pending board approval.
  2. Certification:
    • Seek ISO 14001 certification through a recognized certification body.
  3. PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality Certification:
    PAS 2060 is a standard for achieving carbon neutrality, which means the organization takes steps to reduce its carbon emissions and offset any remaining emissions. Incorporating ISO 14001 and PAS 2060 into Ramsy Health Care Ltd’s operations will help us establish a robust environmental management system and demonstrate our commitment to environmental sustainability and carbon neutrality. With these certifications we can also enhance the company’s reputation and competitiveness in the healthcare industry, attracting environmentally conscious clients and partners.

Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting .
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard .
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).